This Week’s Lamrim Quote – 11 August 2014

Je Gedun Jamyang

“Why is it necessary to train one’s mind according to the seven-point instruction, causes and effect, which is the tradition of the great Lord, the glorious Atisha? Buddhahood originates in the spirit of enlightenment, which in turn arises from the superior intention. This proceeds from compassion, which arises from love. The latter derives from repaying kindness, which in turn flows out of remembering it, and this comes from recognizing all beings as your mothers. Given the significance of this order, you should reflect in the following manner: ‘Just as samsara is unlimited so is the number of my rebirths. As a result, how could I possibly not have taken rebirth after having been conceived in the womb of every sentient being?’ By weighing this, instead of being fabricated, the recognition of each being as your mother should come to you as it does regarding your mother of this life.”

From The Southern Lineage – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Je Gendun Jamyang As translated in: The Southern Lineage Lamrim: An Explicit Instruction on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment – The Abbreviated Commentary Lineage of Manjughosha’s Oral Instructions by Gedun Jamyang, which is included in The Pearl Garland: An Anthology of Lamrims, translated from the Tibetan under Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche’s guidance by Rosemary Patton, Editions Guepele (France)

2016-12-27T08:53:12+05:302014 08 11|Lamrim Quotes|