This Week’s Lamrim Quote – 25 August 2014

Kyabje Yongzin
Trijang Rinpoche

“Meditating on repaying kindness [which all sentient beings have shown you when they were your mother in previous lives]:

  • Even though you do not recognize them due to birth, death, and transmigration, it would be shameful
  • To neglect those who have been kind does not accord with the well-mannered
  • As it would be inappropriate to repay the benefit with something contaminated, one should liberate them from ignorance
  • How to meditate on the essential points separately”

From Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Trijang Rinpoche As translated in: OUTLINE of Middle Length Lam-Rim with Trijang Rinpoche’s Additional Outlines by Lama Tsongkhapa (and Trijang Rinpoche). Translated by Philip Quarcoo. Unpublished DRAFT translation (May 2012) by FPMT, Inc. Download the PDF here.

2016-10-16T00:29:01+05:302014 08 25|Lamrim Quotes|