This Week’s Lamrim Quote – 28 July 2014

Je Tsong Khapa
Lobsang Drakpa

“With a firm, intense, and enduring faith in Manjushri,
Best at banishing the darkness from the disciple’s mind,
I prayed that all the teachings might dawn as training,
And I applied myself to all the requisite conditions.
When I think this over, how well my destiny was fulfilled!
Thank you so very much, O Holy Wisdom Treasure!

Working in that way, I found a special certainty
In the stages of the path of enlightenment,
The tradition descended from Nagarjuna and Asanga,
And the Transcendent Wisdom, best book on the profound,
Dawned as a practical training.
When I think this over, how well my destiny was fulfilled!
Thank you so very much, O Holy Wisdom Treasure!”

From Destiny Fulfilled: The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa by Je Tsong Khapa As included in: The Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa edited by Robert A. F. Thurman. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. This translation is available in PDF format from FPMT.

2016-10-16T00:29:03+05:302014 07 28|Lamrim Quotes|