This Week’s Lamrim Quote – 4 August 2014

    Kongpo Lama
    Yeshe Tsondru
    (1761 – 1816)

    “Even implacable foes of past lives
    Have become friends in this life, and done me service.
    Past lives’ friends, too, become in this life
    Real foes, who even attack my life.
    Even in this life, from early to later parts,
    In every year and month and day,
    And moment by moment, friends and foes change.
    What can you trust about helping and harming?”

    From The Essence of Nectar – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru As included in: The Essential Nectar: Meditations on the Buddhist Path by Geshe Rabten. Edited and verse translation by Martin Wilson. Wisdom Publications (now available again for purchase in paperback and eBook).

    2016-10-16T00:29:03+05:302014 08 04|Lamrim Quotes|