Je Tsong Khapa
Lobsang Drakpa
“With the darkness of confusion concerning the points to adopt or reject
Not dispelled by the lamp of perfect learning,
If you do not know even the path, what need to speak
Of entering the supreme city of liberation!
Therefore, not content with a partial or superficial understanding
Of the treatises of the Invincible Lord of Dharma (Ajita, or Maitreya)
And those of (the great sages) widely renowned in India
As the Six Ornaments and the Two Supreme Ones,
I studied them all in great detail.
Thinking this over, how well my destiny is fulfilled!
Thank you very much, Noble Lord Wisdom Treasure!”
From Destiny Fulfilled: The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa by Je Tsong Khapa As translated in: Destiny Fulfilled: Je Tsongkhapa’s Education As a Song of Realisation by Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa. Translated by Tenzin Tsepag. Download the PDF here.