Today’s Lamrim Quote – 10 September 2012

Je Tsong Khapa
Lobsang Drakpa

“First, I sought out often extensive learning,
Then all teachings dawned as trainings,
Finally, I practiced all day and all night,
Completely dedicated to spread the Teaching!
Thinking this over, how well my destiny saw fulfilled!
Thanking you so very much,
O Holy Wisdom Treasure!”

Verse 3 from Destiny Fulfilled: The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa by Je Tsong Khapa, as published in The Life and Teachings of Tsong Khapa edited by Robert A. F. Thurman. Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. This translation is available on-line from FPMT.

2016-10-24T05:19:48+05:302012 09 10|Lamrim Quotes|