Je Gedun Jamyang
“If you wonder how you are to help them [living beings], think: ‘I will care for them by providing the hungry with food , the thirsty with drink, those suffering from illness with medicine, the poor with material goods and so forth, which will alleviate each of these kinds of temporary suffering. However, more importantly, I will establish all beings in a state of either liberation or omniscience!'”
From The Southern Lineage – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Je Gendun Jamyang As translated in: The Southern Lineage Lamrim: An Explicit Instruction on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment – The Abbreviated Commentary Lineage of Manjughosha’s Oral Instructions by Gedun Jamyang, which is included in The Pearl Garland: An Anthology of Lamrims, translated from the Tibetan under Venerable Dagpo Rinpoche’s guidance by Rosemary Patton, Editions Guepele (France)