Kyabje Yongzin
Trijang Rinpoche
“The stages of training after having taken refuge – The actual precepts – Common precepts for all three objects of refuge:
- Remembering the differences and positive qualities of the Three Jewels and, due to that, taking refuge in them again and again
- Remembering their great kindness and, due to that, exerting yourself at all times to make offerings to them and offering them even the first portion of your food and drink
- Remembering their great compassion and, due to that, establishing other migrating beings in such a mode of behavior
- Whatever you do and whatever you need, worshipping the Three Jewels, supplicating them, and abandoning all other worldly methods
- Aware of the benefits, taking refuge three times a day and three times at night
- Not giving up the Three Jewels even for the sake of your life or a laugh and guarding against this”
From Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Trijang Rinpoche as translated in: OUTLINE of Middle Length Lam-Rim with Trijang Rinpoche’s Additional Outlines by Lama Tsongkhapa (and Trijang Rinpoche). Translated by Philip Quarcoo. Unpublished DRAFT translation (May 2012) by FPMT, Inc. Download the PDF here.