Today’s Lamrim Quote – 7 December 2013

Je Tsong Khapa
Lobsang Drakpa

“To gather a great store [of merit and wisdom] with little effort,
Rejoicing in virtue is praised as best.
Particularly, regarding the past virtues collected by oneself,
If you develop, without pride, great joy in your virtues of the past
It is said these past virtues will increase even more.
To accomplish the purpose of this statement by the Buddha,
And also because I see many other purposes as well,
It would be good, O mind, to feel such joy!

All this I dedicate for the spread of the Teaching.
Thinking this over, how well my destiny is fulfilled!
Thank you very much, Noble Lord Wisdom Treasure!”

From Destiny Fulfilled: The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa by Je Tsong Khapa As translated in: Destiny Fulfilled: Je Tsongkhapa’s Education As a Song of Realisation by Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa. Translated by Tenzin Tsepag. Download the PDF here.

2016-10-16T00:29:21+05:302013 12 07|Lamrim Quotes|