Today’s Lamrim Quote – 6 November 2012

Je Pabongka
Dechen Nyingpo

“We have in fact obtained many rebirths in the upper realms and afterward have fallen back into the lower realms. We are sure to fallback the same way yet again. In our past rebirths…. we were reborn as universal emperors and ruled over hundreds of thousands of subjects; and then we were born as the meanest serfs and slaves, such as donkey drivers and cowherds. Sometimes we were born as sun and moon gods, and our bodies gave off so much light that we illuminated the four continents. Then we were born in the depths of the ocean between continents, where it was so dark we could not even see the movements of our own limbs. And so on. No matter what you achieve of this sort of worldly happiness, it is untrustworthy and has no worth.”

From Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand: A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment by Pabongka Rinpoche / Trijang Rinpoche. Translated by Michael Richards. Wisdom Publications. Click here to download a PDF of 100 pages of excerpts.

Kyabje Yongzin
Trijang Rinpoche

2016-10-16T00:29:43+05:302012 11 06|Lamrim Quotes|